What layout do you use?

Now having found ideal tools (particularly the first link) to work with on my layout, I did end up rejigging it to match the new data.

Also, it helped me work out:

  • How useful a “redial” macro (repeats the last letter typed, mostly to avoid same-finger use) would be if I could learn to use it (very, could remove [edit: worked it out properly] 56% of the remaining single-finger repeats in this layout and be used more than the 6 least typed letters);
  • which letters would be most used with it (again, to avoid same finger use) and;
  • which hand would make most use of it (to avoid hand alternation, which I find less desirable contrary to Dvorak’s understandably typewriter-based philosophy).

So here 'tis:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
/ u f d b * h o g
a i s t y m n e r l
z x c v - j p q w k

With the “tactile bump” keys bolded for reference, and the * meaning the redial macro key. I added in a few punctuation-esque keys (. , ! ? are on the thumb keys as dual use with modifiers) and the rest (both outside columns especially) still undecided but relatively unimportant.