Adjusting LED Brightness

How do I go about adjusting the LED brightness on the solid modes? I’d like to make it dimmer if possible.

Just use lower numbers in the colors. The defaults are:

static kaleidoscope::LEDSolidColor solidRed(160, 0, 0);
static kaleidoscope::LEDSolidColor solidOrange(140, 70, 0);
static kaleidoscope::LEDSolidColor solidYellow(130, 100, 0);
static kaleidoscope::LEDSolidColor solidGreen(0, 160, 0);
static kaleidoscope::LEDSolidColor solidBlue(0, 70, 130);
static kaleidoscope::LEDSolidColor solidIndigo(0, 0, 170);
static kaleidoscope::LEDSolidColor solidViolet(130, 0, 120);

(0,0,0) is all black and (255,255,255) is white and super bright.

(1,0,0) would be the dimmest red possible.

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Awesome, Thanks a ton!!