Can't get shifted equal sign to repeat

tl;dr: I want a [0/=] key: One that types [0] (zero) unshifted and [=] shifted. I can do this with a macro, but the = doesn’t repeat. I can get [0/=] without a repeating =, but anything else I try results in a [0/+]… the [+] repeats, but that’s no good :slight_smile:.

Long details: I’ve been using a Maltron for 20 years and I’m loving my new Keyboardio. I’m 99% done with a Malt layout on my Keyboardio, including the layout I have where the shifted numbers are:

1 +
2 ^
3 #
4 $
5 (
6 )
7 &
8 @
9 %
0 =

Shapeshifter does the trick for most of these keys, but not for [0/=] because I’m not holding down shift to generate the [=] but I am for the rest.

Since I’m holding down shift in this case, no matter what I do, (other than MACRDOWN or PSTR) results in a [+] being sent.

I’ve successfully created a macro to do this with other keys where the shifted value is also shifted on my custom key, like [*/|]:

/** Provide a key that types [*] when not shifted and [|] when shifted. Keys repeat
    correctly when held.
static void starPipeMacro(uint8_t keyState) {
  static Key lastKey;
  bool isShifted = kaleidoscope::hid::wasModifierKeyActive(Key_LeftShift)
         || kaleidoscope::hid::wasModifierKeyActive(Key_RightShift);

  if (keyToggledOn(keyState)) {
    if (isShifted) {
      lastKey.keyCode = Key_Backslash.keyCode;
    else {
      lastKey.keyCode = Key_8.keyCode;
      lastKey.flags = lastKey.flags | SHIFT_HELD;

  if (keyIsPressed(keyState))

This function makes me happy because I can type both keys and have them repeat appropriately in my OS. Was hoping to do the same with [0/=] but no such luck. I’ve checked and the lastKey.flags doesn’t have the Shift bit set, and releasing both shift keys doesn’t seem to do the trick anywhere.


I’ve got an incomplete layout with the same fundamental problem (wanting to arbitrarily rearrange the symbols on the keys, including unshifted symbols in shifted positions). I realized some time ago that this was going to be quite difficult to do in Kaleidoscope because of how the key scan is processed (rollover becomes very tricky). I’ve got a plugin design in mind (working title: Unshifter) that should work, but only with my own event-driven fork of Kaleidoscope. I still haven’t implemented it yet, but if you’re interested, I can let you know when I have.

In the meantime, I think it may be possible to solve your immediate problem with a macro, but I’m away from home right now, so I can’t easily test it out. Also, whether or not it will work may depend on the relative positions of the key you have that = on and the shift key(s) you use in combination with it.

I’m glad to try anything – the zero is where the zero usually is on the keyboard and the [=] is right above the zero if that helps. No rush – the non-repeating [=] isn’t the end of the world…

I’m using a Programmer Dvorak layout, where shift+9 inputs =. To get keys to repeat I stopped using macros and wrote a plugin that takes a layer-based approach:

This might be overkill for just one key, but I find that it works well for my needs.

This is definitely overkill but I love it :slight_smile:

If I use this, do my shift keys still work properly with the OS (e.g. shift-clicking)?

Yes, the modifier keys will continue to work for shift-clicking (i.e. they register if pressed by themselves).

Awesome – will give it a shot tonight!