Typing techniques & the Model 01

I confirm :slight_smile:

OK, nobody expressed any interest, but I’ll report back anyway. :smiley:

One month ago I mapped both my work and home kinesises (kineses?) with a rolled-left number row - that is 6 on the left hand, and -= on the right hand. As a dvorak user -= mean to me, which was one of the main motivations for finding a way of keeping those two keys in place.

I have to say it has been a consistently frustrating experience. Maybe it’s because the number row being in the standard Kinesis location (i.e. same as the default Model01) is so ingrained, or maybe it’s because 1 is just so hard to hit (particularly when typing “!”). And as a linux geek it has been consistently annoying to find # and $ in the wrong places; I’m only starting to get the hang of it now. I learned to type Dvorak faster than that.

Also, having spent some time visualising non-English keymaps I have come to the conclusion that the only layouts where the = key has a strong case to stay in the top right are Dvorak and Hungarian.

So to sum up: the benefits are minimal for significant pain. I’m calling a halt.