Building the firmware

That would certainly help, indeed. Would need a bit of a rearrangement of the Akela sources, but… it sounds doable.

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I rearranged Akela, so each plugin is its own git repo now, and the Akela repo itself just pulls them in as submodules. This will make it possible to install the plugins directly from the Arduino Library Manager. I just need to tag a release, by the looks of it. See here for a FAQ about this topic.

So, for those who want to use a GUI thing, the Arduino IDE will Just Work™: select the KeyboardioFirmware library, and any of the Akela-* libraries, choose an example to start off of, and you’re good to go.

For those that prefer the command-line, the Akela umbrella repo provides a reasonable starting point.

And once we have a way to upload a new layout via USB Serial, I’ll prepare a firmware hex with all bells and whistles included. Flash that once, then just use the layout/agent/whatever app to update the layout, without having to touch the firmware ever again. (This is a longer term goal, mind you.)