Number row and symbols - do you remap or relearn? How to keep compatibility with standard keyboards?

The model 100 has the number keys shifted to the right, which is logic from the ergo view, but forces one to remap the keys to the left and using the unlucky prog-key-position and the print not matching the real functions of the keys or to relearn the numbers and associated symbols (%$…).

For example on a standard keyboard you will type the ‘7’ and ‘8’ with the right index finger, but on the model 100 you need to type ‘6’ and ‘7’ with the same finger, while the ‘8’ needs to be typed with the right middle finger.

I touch-type the complete keyboard (qwerty speed ~ 80 to 90 wpm), including the symbols on the top row. When I now relearn the numbers I will have a problem when I switch to a laptop keyboard.

I think this is a major downside of many ergonomic keyboards that you are forced to relearn the layout and then have the compatibility issues with normal keyboards. How do you handle that?

Do you mean the ortholinear layout of the keys? You’re still supposed to type the numbers with the same finger, so it shouldn’t be a huge difference. I find the Enter key the hardest to get used to and still after months find a return popping up after typing H.

No, ortholinear or column staggered is another difference one needs to get used to, when switching between keyboards. Actually I wrote a long post, which I did not publish with a list of differences where this was one of them.

Here I asked specifically how others handle the difference in the number row. When you use the standard fingering on a qwerty keyboard you will type 1 to 6 with the left hand and the rest on the right hand. On the model 100 the numbers (and associated symbols) move one position to the right. So one needs to learn a complete different fingering!

For staggered keyboards that might be a similar problem for some people who use the index finger for the c-key and so on, because those are much easier to reach than with the text book fingers (middle finger for c for example).

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