Preparing plugins for 1.0.0: Looking for documentation reviewers

That’d be hugely useful. Home · keyboardio/Kaleidoscope Wiki · GitHub is probably the right place to post stuff like that.

It sounds like you were working from the head of the repo, rather than the tags for the PVT build. While I 100% agree that it would have been confusing for you, it’s also likely to have gotten you a less buggy firmware in the deal.

Official builds of the firmware get checked into this repo:

The PVT build was:

The automatically generated documentation of what was built and how it was built is here:

The tool that makes these builds is here:

Just as a note, the default intensities are tuned to not draw more than 500 MA over USB. Doing otherwise, while pretty and almost always ok, is a spec violation and could cause some computers to forcibly disconnect the keyboard.

That said, I’d love a pull request to make the plugin more configurable and a writeup of how to make this change is another item that I think would go over really well.

That’s super cool.

Yes. As a PVT customer, you’re definitely getting the most painful possible experience. I’ve spent some time working on improving the basic install instructions here:

Once at least one person tells me it’s not full of lies, I’ll merge it to master.

Yes. We need a tutorial explaining basic keymap customization · Issue #164 · keyboardio/Kaleidoscope · GitHub is the open issue to track this :slight_smile:

I’d love that. And I’m happy to tech review any doc you or anyone else contributes. Thank you!