Productivity macros, what do you use?

I thought it would be interesting to have a topic in which people share useful macros they already use, intend to use or would like to use if they knew how, whether for keyboard(.io) or mouse or any other input. For context, I don’t code often and I work as a medical audio typist, so typing and browsing are my main foci for efficiency.

As I mentioned in another thread, I’m intending when I get my keyboardio to have one of the thumb keys have the function full stop (period for the Americans in the audience), spacebar, one-shot shift, so when typing normal sentences, instead of typing your last word of your sentence, full stop, spacebar and holding down shift while pressing your first new letter of the sentence, you just type your last word, macro then type the first word of the new sentence. Saves keystrokes and avoids double capital errors e.g. “end of sentence. STart of new sentence” - word processors pick this up usually and autocorrect but other places you’re usually out of luck.

I’d bind that to a thumb key like I said and probably have it so with one palm key held it just does a normal full stop so I can do … and decimal places easily. I’d possibly also have it so with the other palm key held it makes a paragraph (full stop enter enter one-shot shift)

One I already use, facilitated by autohotkey, is so when I press one of the media keys on my current keyboard, it triggers shift-left, ctrl-x, right, ctrl-v which has the net effect of swapping the letters to the left and right of where your typing indicator is. Very helpful for fixing “teh” and similar mistakes, mistimed spacebars and moderately dyslexic mistakes. I also bind one of the side mouse buttons to do the same thing, but with a left mouse button click first, so you can just click between your mistakes while editing.

I’ve added these macros to my mouse through LGS, but they could also be useful for keyboards:

  • ctrl-c, ctrl-t, ctrl-v, enter. Just pastes whatever you’ve highlighted into a new tab.
  • Ctrl-c, ctrl-f, enter. Obviously, to find whatever you’ve highlighted.
  • Not really macros, but I’ve also assigned mouse buttons to
    • ctrl-shift-t to reopen closed tabs,
    • F5 for refresh
    • ctrl-click to open links in a background tab.
    • Win-d for “oh god I don’t want my boss/girlfriend/etc to see what I’ve been looking at!”