Proposal: Enable unit testing Kaleidoscopes core and client plugins by Dependency Inversion

Leidokos-CMake was just released recently. It is build and tested automatically on Windows, MacOS and Linux.
You could contact me and ask for support. That way, I could improve the documentation where necessary to also provide a better experience for other users.

I definitely would prefer that to you writing that you failed miserably :frowning:

That’s another reason why Leidokos-CMake came to life. I doubt that there is a way to get this with wrapping Arduino-Builder in CMake. Many IDEs support CMake projects and allow to build individual targets or even object files. This information that must be made available by the build system to the IDE is only known to Arduino-Builder.
Include directories are another (less) critical issue. IDEs’ code parsers must know where to look for includes for being able to parse and understand the overall code base. Most IDEs allow to specify include directories manually, though.

We had some discussions about this topic here.