Unable to successfully compile MagicCombo for Atreus

Funny you have that concern: I posted in another thread about my new in-progress plugin that only sends the individual keypresses if the chord isn’t triggered. I’ve been using it for a while, and it’s now the only way I type Right-Alt/AltGr and dash, and probably accounts for most of my escape and tab typing.

That said, I used to have tab bound to “AS”, and it took me several weeks to realize that the reason I occasionally lost focus when typing in a browser was because I was typing that sequence too fast and triggering tab instead; it turned out that I couldn’t reliably press the chord faster than the individual letters. The solution was to move it to “FR” instead; I’m really liking the vertical single-finger chords.

I really should try to clean that code up to be a real plugin one of these days…

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