Atreus gel pad wrist rest recommendations


Now that my Atreus will be shipping soon, I wanted to create a thread to share thoughts on possible gel wrist rests. A gel pad is essential for me because my carpal tunnel wrists don’t like hard surfaces.

Given the size, I will probably be getting two mousepads with wrist rests and cutting out the pads. Anyone have other ideas?

Now that I’m equipped with Model01 on my 2 mains computers, I will surely use the Atreus only for nomad usage, so mostly without accessories.

But if I had to use it in one fixed place, I surely add the palm rest.
Here you have some place for any gel pad, and maybe cutting something like on this thead ?

By the way, I don’t know if the Atreus is meant to be fixed to the Palm Rest, or does the pad lay hidden beneath the keyboard, making easy to go by ?