Atreus Qwerty + palm rest + travel case (Germany, Berlin)

Item: Atreus + palm rest + travel case
Price: 170€
Condtion: New, never used
Location: Berlin, Germany

I started using an HHKB before receiving the Atreus, and I never looked back. So the Atreus has never been used and spend the last few months in its box.

I’d prefer to hand it over in Berlin, but I could ship it in the EU for an extra 60€.


If it’s still free, I’ll take it. I would need shipping to Prague, Czechia.

Hi Petr,

The keyboard is still free, I can post it next week if you’re still interested :slight_smile:


Cool. I’m still interested. Let’s do this over PMs.

Got the shipment today. Everything as described. Thanks!

Awesome :slight_smile: Enjoy the keyboard!