Errors building from the command line since 2024-02-23

Has anyone else experienced trouble building sketches from the command line since 583045a443ff1e8abed81a93032feb04e321d34f ?

invalid argument "expanded" for "--show-properties"

# 🐟 ~/imre/oss/Kaleidoscope  @583045a4 ?1
; make setup
Building in quiet mode. For a lot more information, add 'VERBOSE=1' to the beginning of your call to /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/make
Error: invalid argument "expanded" for "--show-properties" flag: strconv.ParseBool: parsing "expanded": invalid syntax
  arduino-cli compile [flags]

Also, make compile for the model100 and model01 fail:

# 🐟 ~/imre/oss/Kaleidoscope/examples/Devices/Keyboardio/Model100  @583045a4 ?1                                                                                                                                          ✘ 2
; make compile
Using Kaleidoscope from /Users/ikoszo/imre/oss/Kaleidoscope
Building in quiet mode. For a lot more information, add 'VERBOSE=1' to the beginning of your call to /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/make
Error: invalid argument "expanded" for "--show-properties" flag: strconv.ParseBool: parsing "expanded": invalid syntax
  arduino-cli compile [flags]

  /Users/ikoszo/imre/oss/Kaleidoscope/bin/arduino-cli compile -b arduino:avr:uno /home/user/Arduino/MySketch
  /Users/ikoszo/imre/oss/Kaleidoscope/bin/arduino-cli compile -b arduino:avr:uno --build-property "build.extra_flags=\"-DMY_DEFINE=\"hello world\"\"" /home/user/Arduino/MySketch
  /Users/ikoszo/imre/oss/Kaleidoscope/bin/arduino-cli compile -b arduino:avr:uno --build-property "build.extra_flags=-DPIN=2 \"-DMY_DEFINE=\"hello world\"\"" /home/user/Arduino/MySketch
  /Users/ikoszo/imre/oss/Kaleidoscope/bin/arduino-cli compile -b arduino:avr:uno --build-property build.extra_flags=-DPIN=2 --build-property "compiler.cpp.extra_flags=\"-DSSID=\"hello world\"\"" /home/user/Arduino/MySketch



Arduino couldn't figure out what kind of device this sketch
is for. Usually, Arduino looks in a file called `sketch.yaml`
to figure this out.

I'm unable to detect your keyboard, you may need to manually
edit your `sketch.yaml` file or run

ARDUINO_DIRECTORIES_USER=/Users/ikoszo/imre/oss/Kaleidoscope/.arduino/user ARDUINO_DIRECTORIES_DATA=/Users/ikoszo/imre/oss/Kaleidoscope/.arduino/data /Users/ikoszo/imre/oss/Kaleidoscope/bin/arduino-cli board attach

manually, specifying the FQBN for your keyboard.

/Users/ikoszo/imre/oss/Kaleidoscope/etc/makefiles/ *** .  Stop.

I tried running make setup and make update but saw no difference. What am I missing?

It looks like an arduino-cli feature we’re depending on is newer than your arduino-cli. Can you confirm what version you’ve got installed? (And is arduino not prompting you to upgrade every single time it’s invoked?)

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Not sure if this is the one:

; arduino-builder --version
Arduino Builder 1.6.1

Right, @jesse 's comment set me on the right path:

I had the brew cask arduino installed. Removed that and installed the formula arduino-cli instead, which solved the problem.

Cheers Jesse!

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