First time flashing - RGB speed overly increased

Hello. Today finally got around to installing Arduino Studio and going through the instructions on this starting instructions page.

I have been using the RGB right to left flow as my LED scheme the past few days since getting my new M01. After flashing I find that the right to left speed has increased so much as to be distracting. Kindly advise how I can reduce this to default speed.

The reason for this is that in the past, the rainbow effects were timed by counting how many times the main cycle ran, so it depended on the speed of the cycle. We… made the main loop a lot faster, and that sped up the animations too. They were fixed to use millisecond-timing instead, but may not have found their way into an Arduino-Boards release yet.

The easiest you can do is to download the latest version of Kaleidoscope-LEDEffect-Rainbow from here, and unzip it on top of the one installed by the board manager. That should resolve the issue.

Hello and thanks for the reply. However the step-and-step introduction does not teach how to do this:

as it stops at the Edit A Keymap page.

I am reluctant to do anything without proper instructions as I have no Arduino experience. The current contents of my ~/Arduino directory are as follows:

├── libraries
│   └── readme.txt
└── Model01-Firmware
    └── Model01-Firmware.ino

2 directories, 2 files

I haven’t cloned any Keyboardio Git repos yet and I have some experience with that so willing to follow Git-based instructions. Since all the plugins are Git repos I presume they are to be cloned somewhere that the Arduino build process can find. But where?

Apart from fixing this rainbow problem, I want to enable OneShot and make modifications to my keymap. Later I want to setup my own LED effect. Please advise. :apple::grapes::bouquet:

You can clone the Arduino-Boards repo to ~/Arduino/hardware/keyboardio/avr, like this:

git clone --recurse-submodules \

This will pull all the latest plugins and whatnot. I’d recommend backing up ~/Arduino/hardware first, just in case. (And it should be moved away before doing the git clone, so git won’t complain.)

With the plugins installed (either installing the board manager via the IDE, or doing a git clone of Arduino-Boards like above will install the official plugins), you can just #include "Kaleidoscope-OneShot.h" and follow the examples in its README or its example sketch. There’s no additional thing to install.

To make modifications to your keymap, I suggest forking the Model01-Firmware repository, and committing any changes you make to your own fork. That makes it easier to pull in changes, should you want to. Not to mention that having one’s keymap under version control is very useful. :slight_smile:

As for setting up your own LED effect, that can be either easy or challenging, depending on what you want. We’ll be happy to help here on the forums should you need assistance with it!

Wow quick reply! I did some digging in the meanwhile and found that Arduino Studio seems to have downloaded the plugins to ~/.arduino15/packages/keyboardio/hardware/avr/1.23.0/libraries/ and there is no ~/Arduino/hardware directory. Should I delete those to avoid version conflict or something?

I’d rather back them up - though if you used the IDE to download it, you can always download it again, so… yeah, delete them.

OK so I succesfully compiled the downloaded Git repos and got back my old speed. Feeling slightly more confident about touching the .ino file. Just like any other C program. Thanks @algernon!