Get Epistory (a typing tutor many folks here recommend) for $1!

As a bunch of people have mentioned Epistory here and considered it a worthwhile game to practise typing, I wanted to let you all know that it is currently part of a Humble Bundle.

Obviously you can give more than $1 :).


I played a bit on the weekend, it was fun. I wish I’d had this years ago when I went through the process of learning Colemak which was way harder in retrospect.

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This was my first time signing up for a Humble Bundle account. I noticed there was a referral bonus (my code is, for example), so Simon-Claudius you should post yours to recoup your $1 as a reward for spreading the word to us newbies! :wink:

Thanks for pointing it out, @ArloJamesBarnes.

I think it only works if people sign up to the Humble Monthly Bundle, so I’m not sure how useful it’d be. I’m happy to just have shared the bundle - no need for any rewards :slight_smile:.


Just in case people missed this before, you have another chance at getting it for $1

I’ve used the site before, it has a pretty good reputation. And of course, Epistory would be worth every cent even if it didn’t involve typing!


thanks for saving me $10! I am doubtful about using scdkey as it is an unfamiliar site and I am afraid of credit card scams but if you can vouch for the site, then I am willing to go ahead.

I am glad that I did not buy epistory earlier when I wanted to practice on my keyboardio! … who knew procrastination could actually work in my favour?


I can’t blame you for being skeptical. I found out about scdkey through some tech YouTuber or other (probably linustechtips) that had a strong history of scrutinising their advertisers, so I was pretty trusting of it. Have bought a few things without issue or suspicious activity.

If you’re still unsure, it does come up on steam/humble bundle sales pretty often really, so add it to your wishlists!

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(this thread seems the most relevant among )

Fishing Cactus, the developer of Epistory, has a new typing game: It’s not a sequel exactly but a spiritual successor, and has a similar mechanic to the other. In early access now, full release next year. Windows-only unlike Epistory, not sure if that will change in the future.

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