Getting started with Atreus

Frustration is the worst user experience !

I find the doc straight forward, and don’t get much trouble to flash my keyboard without the Arduino IDE, so if the doc miss something, we must improve it :memo:

If something goes bad here, please report it so it can be investigate (M1 Mac seems to reserve some surprises for users)

$ cd ${HOME}/git
$ git clone
$ cd ${HOME}/git/Kaleidoscope
$ make setup
$ export KALEIDOSCOPE_DIR=${HOME}/git/Kaleidoscope
$ cd examples/Devices/Keyboardio/Atreus
$ ### Edit the .ino files ###
$ make compile
$ make flash # Pressing the prog key

The missing part may be the need to reset the eeprom if Chrysalis was used to modify the layouts :thinking:

For the Chrysalis unfriendly experience, feel free to write a word about what you like/dislike, this may just be a Graphical VS. Cli way of life, but things can eventually be improved at a point :slight_smile:

Happy Hacking :hammer_and_wrench: