How to create a shortcut for moving a line?

Hi, is there a way to program a shortcut for moving a line?

Some programs offer this feature by a native keyboard shortcut like:
Notepad++: ctrl + shift + up or down
Visual Studio: alt + up or down
But lot’s of other programs don’t have this keyboard shortcut.
What I’m looking for is a shortcut on the Model 100 which emulates this function to have it available in programs which don’t offer this keyboard shortcut.

Something like:

  1. home
  2. shift + end
  3. ctrl + x
  4. up or down
  5. ctrl + v

Thanks for your help!

You should be able to do this easily enough using Chrysalis.

  1. Connect to your keyboard
  2. Choose (click on) a key to attach it to in the Function layer (3 by default?—I’ve moved mine around). There are some blanks if you don’t want to replace anything.
  3. Click on Macros at the bottom and choose a Dynamic Macro number to add. This opens the macro editor.
  4. Use the editor to add the keystrokes above: click on the Keyboard tab at the bottom and use the on-screen keyboard to choose keys.
  5. Save

Thanks Moilleadoir! Works perfectly, nearly no lags :astonished:.

Move line up:
Tap: Home; Hold key: Shift; Tap: End; Release key: Shift; Hold key: Control; Tap: X; Release key: Control; Tap: Delete; Tap: Up Arrow; Hold key: Control: Tap: V; Release key: Control; Tap: Enter; Tap: Up Arrow

Move line down:
Tap: Home; Hold key: Shift; Tap: End; Release key: Shift; Hold key: Control; Tap: X; Release key: Control; Tap: Delete; Tap: Down Arrow; Tap: Enter; Tap: Up Arrow; Hold key: Control; Tap: V; Release key: Control; Tap: Home

It’s nearly perfect… Beside beeing with the cursor in a last emty line without character. Than it will paste what was stored last in the clipboard.
Is there a way to clear the last entry in the clipboard? E.g. with a blank, empty character?