On the history and implementation of NumLock

Your Model01 should ensure that your computer’s NumLock mode is enabled when you activate the numeric keypad. On Windows and Linux, NumLock must be enabled for the keypad to generate digits. If your keypad is moving your cursor rather than generating digits, it is because NumLock is not being properly synchronised. This is a known problem in early versions of the firmware; to fix it please update to the latest version. (Insert reference to firmware upgrade instructions)

On Mac OS X, there is no such thing as NumLock. But since the Model01 can’t be 100% sure what sort of computer it is plugged into, it tries to enable NumLock anyway. Most Mac software will ignore this, however the following software has been known to behave oddly:

  • iTerm2 - When activating your Model01’s numpad, sometimes an escape sequence is sent and this can cause unusual behaviour in terminal programs such as bash and vi. To fix this, go to iTerm2 → Preferences → Profile → Keys, click “Load preset” and choose “xterm with numeric keypad”.

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