Repair People please

What kind of issues are you noticing? Also does Keyboaridio offer a pay service for the board maintenance? Thats impressive you had the board last 3 years before it started being a problem to use, without maintenance.

For the record, I maintain my Model 01 myself, and it required maintenance to clean pretty much every few months especially early on with the over lubing problem. To help make the cleaning procedure tolerable I spread it out over the course of a few days during the work week. I use a backup Cherry G80 11800, which is decent, but it is motivation to get the cleaned quickly, since I type much better on the Model 1.

Anyways what I do is, remove all key caps, turn the board upside down and use a 1"-2" dry paint brush, to brush the gunk and dust out, after that I then follow the recommended cleaning process for keys that are chattering badly, and retest until the chattering stops. Since I have started doing the turning over and dusting out technique first I have had to do the process less, which is a good thing since that is the really time consuming part, that and running the diagnostic over and over to try and reduce and find the keys chattering.

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