Using Chrysalis, I’ve set Shift as a secondary action under F and J, but they don’t work. I also have set Command as secondary action under D and K, and that works perfect.
Is there something I’m doing wrong? I already tested with Space Cadet enabled/disabled, but no such luck. What else can I do?
I am having the same problem. If I set secondary action to lshift or rshift, it is not registered. alt, ctrl, super working without a problem, however shift is ignored.
actually I read in github issues that somebody else had that problem and their workaround was to disable space cadet.
I had my default layout shift keys unassigned from space cadet to regular shifts. However short tap was still printing parenthesis.
So I what I did:
explicitly disabled space cadet on those keys and then uploaded my layout
again assigned them to shift keys. and uploaded layout.(short taps stopped adding parenthesis)
then I went again to test the secondary shift that I had on a home row and now it was working.
so I guess next time ‘shift’(as secondary action) will stop working, I will go check if space cadet got enabled on a default layout 'shift’s again.