[WANTED] Model 100 'maple', Translucent key-caps, Accessories (USA, Europe)

Looking for a Model 100 in maple as an additional driver.
Offers appreciated.

Item : Model 100 maple
Price : open
Condition : trustworthy
Shipping Location : USA, Europe
Accessories : Translucent-keycaps, Arkon- / RAM-mounts etc, welcome

I have translucent keycaps I am not using if you can find a keyboard to attach them to. I would send them to you for the cost of shipping. I don’t like things just gathering dust.

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would really love those key caps. I’ve been waiting for the black unmarked ones to come “back” in stock and I’m starting to think it will never happen

@admorgan Gratitude for the feedback. There is currently a higher likeliness that I’ll be able to land a set together with a fitting keyboard in maple.

I does appear that Arvid Elias would take you up on that offer instantly.
& If he doesn’t I wouldn’t mind a spare-set whilst cleaning/modifying another.
@Arvid let me know

Thanks X1r!

@admorgan I’ve got my Paypal standing by with shipping cost!

Sorry I got sick, PMed you

@admorgan Thank you so much for the key caps!!!


That looks great! I am glad they found a good home.