A possible fix for wobbly stands

Well, now that the cat’s out of the bag, this is what we’ve been sending people:

We think that we may have figured out the cause of the stand warping issue. It appears to be an assembly issue, rather than a manufacturing issue.

To the best of our understanding, the factory simply overtightened the screws that hold the stands together.

The solution is to use the screwdriver that came with your Model 01 to puncture the rubber pads on the underside of the stand and loosen the screws of any affected legs.

https://youtu.be/RaJp6vC2VRI is a video demonstrating the procedure.

I’d love to know if it works for you and what we can do to make the process clearer.

So far, it looks like the process doesn’t ruin the rubber pads, though we’re happy to send you replacements if you need them.