With keyboard & mouse: Diablo3, Epistory, Thimbleweed Park lately. I have almost a thousand games on my Steam account, and a couple more on GoG and Humblebundle. Not sure I’ll ever get around to playing all of them.
I’ve been playing Overwatch a whole lot. A bit of PUBG, Half Life, Epistory, Stardew Valley, etc. Want to get through my Steam library eventually so trying not to buy new games until I’ve gone through my old ones.
I am not much of a gamer, but the last game I played was
You can play it for some hours, then it is done. Just like in the old days. No risk to get addicted and stuck behind the screen, ending up missing the things that really matter, such as … fiddeling with mechanical keyboards and coding
I’m a pretty big gamer, especially with the pandemic. I play a lot of Satisfactory and Factorio, and I’m intermittenly really into pvp games like League of Legends and Starcraft 2.
I theoritically really like first person shooters, but in practice I’m way more into running and dodging than aiming and shooting.