New Model 100 review on YT

There is a new review posted:

What do you think. Do you like the same things with the model 100, do you have the same problems?

hmm… I could not say I have any of those “problems” described. I really like the sculpted keys as you can more easily find the proper keys by touching. He might have a point in some of is suggestions on how to improve the sculpted keycaps.

I like the thumb cluster a lot better than for example the Ergodox.

I am also writing German and programming a lot so my layout is adapted a lot to my workflows. I have a ton of macros and plugins used in my firmware.

But: If you never used a split keyboard, this needs some time to getting used to. And you will have to fiddle with your layout over and over again, to reach some “good” solution.

So you do not use Chrysalis, because it was too limiting for you. That was also my experience. My impression is that does not update and improve the software and almost have neglected the product. :frowning: When you look here in the forum you will see that people struggle and will nog get a response to solve their problems. A pity IMO.

nah… not really. When I started with my model01, Chrysalis was by far not where it is now. But I am a software developer and I like to tinker with things, so… that was part of the fun :wink:

This community board is a bit silent nowadays, there is more discussion on github than here, i guess. And there is a discord somewhere if I remember correctly.

The software is - as far as I can see it - improved over and over, at least when I look at github.

But in order to get the most out of your keyboardio, you need to create a custom firmware imho. If it’s not Kaleidoscope, you could also try to install QMK (which has a wayyy bigger community). But I like Kaleidoscope better from a programmers perspective.

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