I think the biggest problem for me is, to use this I’d have to let it dictate how my Model01 is set up, which I just don’t think would work for my wrists. If I could try it for free for a month before spending $250, then I’d see what it’s like.
I tried and failed to combine my RollerMouse Red with the Model 01. There is a conflict between the M01’s built-in palm rests and the RollerMouse, which is designed to slide beneath a standard straight keyboard. You have a few options:
Place the RollerMouse between yourself and the keyboard. This pushes the keyboard back, IMO uncomfortably.
Place the RollerMouse behind the keyboard on a riser. I use this configuration sometimes with a Kinesis Advantage2. It works pretty well as long as your mousing is brief.
Place the RollerMouse in between the keyboard halves, like in your photo. The RollerMouse is too wide for this. (Apparently they used to make a narrower model, but I couldn’t find one to buy when I looked.)
With the M01 there are always more creative mounting options, too, but I haven’t explored these.