Where to fiind the other standard keys inm Chrysalis?

I am just starting to explore modifying the keyboard layout using Chrysalis and am unable to figure out how to find some of the standard keys that appear on a keyboard. Specifically ! @) etc. These appear on the Function layer of the Keyboard layout but not in the Chrysalis interface (at least anywhere that I can find.

Help please!

Hello, and welcome onboard :keyboard:

Depending of the version you use (Chrysalis 0.8.x introduced a new key picker), and the keyboard layout of your operating system (QWERTY, Colmak, Dvorak, …) it may vary.
For instance, to have an @ with an AZERTY keyboard, I need to press AltGr+à (the 0 key on qwerty keyboard), so here I go :

  • choose your language to reflect the disposition of your keyboard image
  • Select the Pick a key button image
  • pick the key where your symbol reside on your standard keyboard image
  • assign the modifiers needed (eg. Shift, or AltGr) if any image

The symbol representation may not be accurate (there is a work in progress on this), so you may need to save your configuration and test in a text editor :smile:

If you don’t succeed, tell us which keyboard layout you use and what symbol you search, and we’ll try to figure it out :hammer_and_wrench:

Happy hacking !

This is true if you are using a US layout on your computer. Users of international layouts may have to do a bit of brain-gymnastics to get to the correct key. For example, on a German keyboard, the ~ symbol is AltGr-Plus, but the key that is + on a German keybord is ] on a US keyboard, so to get ~ on a German layout you actually have to tell Chrysalis that you want AltGr-]. It can be a bit confusing for new users, I imagine. Also, you have to know both layouts to get what you want. It would be great if Chrysalis would support international layouts in a future version, but tbh, for me it’s not that big of a deal.

Well… Actually, Chrysalis does :slight_smile:

There is some more work in progress for the labeling of the combinaisons of keys + modifiers, and for the min/MAJ of numbers and symbols, but the picker really made the life simpler and more efficient :champagne:

Thanks for the useful information. I am exploring it now, more questions to come I am sure.

Huh, I totally missed that. Thank you!
Time to try the latest version, I guess. :slight_smile: