Windows 7: COM Port for Model 01 not showing up

I’ve now successfully reprogrammed the keyboard twice normally from the IDE. That’s amazing.


Yay!! That’s awesome. Is someone writing up the process?

I can do that. I wanted to test it out on a couple extra systems I’ll have access to tomorrow. But I’ll start putting something together and submit a pull request. The outstanding question is where the driver will be hosted permanently. I know @jesse was going to create a digitally signed version. I’m assuming we’ll want the documentation linked to the signed version.

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And I want to thank everybody for their help. It was much appreciated.

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Thank you. Just wanted to know if I should start pulling it together :slight_smile:

Feel free to add a Windows 7 section to the current Windows doc on the wiki, or create a new page, as it pleases you. I review all the changes at least once a day. Once there’s a signed version we can certainly update the docs, but I think the sooner we have something up the better. Not that I’m trying to hurry you at all! I appreciate you jumping in and helping so much! just suggesting it’s better not to let the perfect be the enemy of the good.

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@Jennigma - I added some wiki pages:

I edited the Install Arduino support on Windows page:

  1. Removed the warning about Windows 7 issues
  2. Added a Prerequisite for Windows 7, 8 & 81 to install the USB driver (with a link to those instructions)
  3. Added a link to the Troubleshooting guide page at the end.

I also opened an issue to have the USB Driver digitally signed so we can track it and know when it’s complete. Once complete, we will need to update the Installing USB Driver on Windows page to:

  1. Remove the note about them being unsigned
  2. Update the steps that talk about working around that
  3. Update the download URL to wherever the final URL is

Sorry I didn’t get to this until now. I’ve been fighting a nasty cold since Tuesday which has slowed me down.

EDIT p.s. I updated the side bar Table of contents to put the new pages in it.

EDIT 2 p.p.s. I hope to add some screenshots to the instructions in the near future