A chrysalis (the hardware kind)

I spent quite a lot of time over the last couple of weeks recording a caterpillar as it fed on a dill plant we grew for the purpose, then watched as it pupated, forming a chrysalis, and finally completed its metamorphosis and emerged as a Black Swallowtail butterfly. So, for anyone interested, here’s a series of videos I made, starting with the caterpillar feeding, and ending with the butterfly emerging from the chrysalis.

Unfortunately, my best camera (a Canon running Magic Lantern, recording 10fps), after recording video all night, ran out of space on its card just before the butterfly emerged, so all I got from that was 1fps from my backup camera, which was recording a time lapse, but it still looks pretty good.

The Black Swallowtail is a really beautiful butterfly, and it’s got a pattern of spots on its wings that vaguely bring to mind the keys on a Model01. It even has false eye spots, of which the palm keys are somewhat reminiscent. Anyway, here’s the playlist of my YouTube videos:

I hope a few of you will enjoy watching!


Stunning! Awesome and very, very beautiful.

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