How to order/chose a keycap set?

yup! fortunately I’m prepared to deal with my own shoddy workmanship. :stuck_out_tongue:

If I had access to a “standard” laser cutter, could I customize the blank keycaps with it?

Maybe. But you’d really want a clear coating on top, so the paint didn’t chip

OK. Is there a DIY way to get such a coating?
Oh and I have a friend who is a lacquerer…

Making our own is intriguing but scary and hard (for me anyway).

What is the timeline (at the moment) for the Keyboardio produced blank keycaps?

The latest news is that the factory still thinks they can produce them by the end of March. Which means they would ship in April.

But as all things, this might change too.

Perhaps the best way to get a german keyboard layout (for now) is to mix a blank keycap set with the US version and just replace those keycaps that differ with blank ones.

Again I wonder whether or not it’s doable to label blank keycaps by myself in good quality somehow (I have access to a laser cutter).

i would just like to request a single keycap with the keyboardio butterfly instead of the cmd key. for those of use that dont use a mac, cmd has no meaning.

that or a blank key would make me happy :slight_smile:

Is there any status update on this? I am considering purchasing a keyboardio but I’d really like to have blank keycaps with mines if possible.


Last I heard, there’s no ETA on non-QWERTY keycaps yet:

Mind you, your Model01 will always ship with QWERTY keycaps, but you can order a set of blanks as extra, which will ship whenever they’re ready.