Unfortunately, I do not have access to any Apple products, nor do I know anyone who owns an Apple. Nevertheless, I want to add MacOS support (travis testing with MacOS) to one of my projects.
As far as I can see, most MacOS systems are by default case insensitive. Because of that, I need a shell command that can be passed the absolute path to a file and that returns the path of the file with proper case.
Say, there is a file /aBc/Def.txt and I know that the lower case representation of the filename’s full path is /abc/def.txt. Thus, what I want is
> <magiccommand> /abc/def.txt
EDIT 1: Maybe ls /abc/def.txt is enough, but I just can’t check. Can someone try that, please.
Unfortunately, ls foo/bar will always output foo/bar, even if the filename is FOO/bAr. However, with bind "set completion-ignore-case on", tab completion will correct the case of filenames on HFS+. I’m not sure how bash/readline does that, but it’s a place to start looking.
GNU Emacs M-x find-file tab completion also corrects case on case-insensitive filesystems, but if I recall correctly, you prefer vi, so maybe that’s not helpful. I’d look at the code, but I don’t have time today, I’m afraid.
I’ll check back here, though; I’m sure I can run tests occasionally on an HFS+ filesystem if you think you’ve got a solution.
[Big thumbs down to case-insensitive filesystems, by the way. Boo!]
Yes, at least from a developer point of view, case-insensitive filesystems are pretty anoying.
Unfortunately, I think Emacs and vi are no solution for my problem as I need some type of command that I can call from CMake. One that is available on any fresh MacOS system. After searching the web up and down I gave up and implemented a brute force recursive token-wise path comparison in CMake.
Does your shell skript assume ${1} to be an absolute path? I tried it (on Linux) but it did not work.
I cannot see how grep-ing the absolute path in the path name returned by ls ${DIR} is supposed to work. Isn’t ls ${DIR} at most a substring of ${1} and not vice versa? Probably I am missing something.
No offense intended, but using the supplied filename as a regex gave me the hebbie-jebbies.
Also, it broke when given a path or filename containing a space.
Therefore I propose the following:
get_canonical_name () {
D=$(dirname "${1}")
I=$(stat -f '%i' "${1}")
R=$(ls -1ia "${D}" | grep "^ *${I} " | sed "s/^ *${I} //")
if [ "${C}" ]
if [ "${D}" != '.' ]
get_canonical_name "${D}"
if [ -e "${G}" ]
get_canonical_name "${G}"
echo "${C}"
It uses the inode number (guaranteed to be unique with a directory) to match up the supplied name and the version returned by a ls of the containing directory.
Oh, certainly; I didn’t have sufficient time to make it robust. I do think you shouldn’t use $C like that, though; better to make it the second argument to get_canonical_name.
This is shell. All of the variables, including $1 and $2 are global. Since their globalness can’t be avoided, it might as well be embraced, right?
From a certain perspective there’s danger in writing code that disguises the fact that the variables are global, especially with a recursive function. $C was the only variable that was being used in a way that required it to be global, making it stand out.
But, I also noticed that my original version went into an infinite loop when given an absolute path name, so since I had to update it anyway I went ahead and modified it as you suggested.
One minor bug: if it is given a filename with one (or more) leading ./ it will strip off the first one (i.e. ./foo will become foo and ././bar will become ./bar). I can’t see an easy way to eliminate it so I have left it alone.
get_canonical_name () {
D=$(dirname "${1}")
I=$(stat -f '%i' "${1}")
C=$(ls -1ia "${D}" | grep "^ *${I} " | sed "s/^ *${I} //")
if [ "${2}" ]
if [ "${D}" = "/" ]
echo "/${C}"
elif [ "${D}" = '.' ]
echo "${C}"
get_canonical_name "${D}" "${C}"
if [ -e "${G}" ]
get_canonical_name "${G}" ""
$1 is a local variable in the function. There’s also local…
There’s no need for this script to be universal; it has a very specific purpose, for a particular OS, where bash is the default shell. There’s no need for any of these shenanigans on Linux or *BSD systems, so it’s really pointless to insist on POSIX compliance.
Just out of curiosity…I’m not aware of any shells that place a function’s positional parameters back in the global scope. Is there a shell that does this? If so, I imagine that writing for such a shell would actually diminish a script’s portability because every other shell scopes function parameters locally.
I don’t recall, and I don’t have access to those systems any more. I spent a lot of time, mostly in korn shells, on several proprietary UNIXes, ending most of a decade ago.