Angled cable suggestion

Can you suggest a replacement for the supplied cable.
I am looking for something with a 90 degree angle, so the keyboard takes up less space on the desk.
After reading the blog I don’t dare to just order any old cable from ebay :smiley:

I am in europe, so looking for a reseller with free shipping to europe. Most of the china guys on ebay offers that. But open to other options too.

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Do you want it with USB-A on the other end, or USB-C on both ends?

You could consider an angled connector to use in combination with your existing cable?

I think an order of total EUR 30 would give you free shipping on

I am looking for something like this:

The question is - how do I tell which ones are good (but maybe still cheap) and which ones are garbage (even though they might expensive)?

For use with the keyboard, anything should ‘work’ electrically. The thing you’d need to worry about is whether the connector fits where our Type C goes.

I ordered a couple of random ones. When they arrive, I’ll post a link to the one I like the best (if any). But free shipping from china requires patience!


There’s a lot of USB-C cables out there, not all of them good or even safe. Here’s a whole pile of reviews on them, done by one of Google’s Chromebook developers - it was doing the rounds in news a few months back. IIRC he’s had some of his personal stuff fried in the process!

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I bought this one:

It looks and works really nice. The angles and color matches my macbook really well.
And it is dirt cheap, so what is not to like?